Ultrasonography, Salgótarján
Abdominal, pelvic ultrasound examination is recommended to be performed in case of stomach and abdominal complaints. Soft tissue neck ultrasonography and other soft tissue lesions are suspected, for example. thyroid, lymph nodes, etc. assessment.
CT, Salgótarján
A CT scan is a special X-ray procedure, a complex X-ray imaging and computer technology users módszer.A practice used in each organ system organ diagnosis in cases when the exact diagnosis can not be determined by other methods. The method can be very accurate and high-resolution images of any organ.
X-Ray, Salgótarján
The X-ray investigations in the case of bone, joint pain, traumatic bone injury suspected certain thoracic and abdominal discomfort During the tests ajánljuk.A ray imaging is done using ionizing radiation.